Saturday, July 25, 2009


Thursday - With the big mileage behind me, and my tire repaired (I hope), I am now ready to ride on some of the most spectacular roads in the country.  From Buffalo, I will head west on Route 16, which is billed as the Cloud Peak Skyway.  It runs westward over the Bighorn Mountains through Powder River Pass, then down through Ten Sleep Canyon over to Worland, WY.  It is a wonderful ride even though I am a bit apprehensive about the tire.

Powder River Pass is all beautiful sweepers through forests and high meadows.  No traffic.  Skies crystal clear, temperature in the mid 70s.  Another glory day!  from the west side of the pass the road winds down into Ten Sleep Canyon, a rugged piece of terrain, great twisties, still no traffic.  The road finally winds down into desert scrub and into Worland. 

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