Saturday, July 25, 2009

Whistle Stop Inn - NY Mils, MN:

By this time I should realize that people give places names for specific reasons. But it was in disregard of this insight that I booked the Whistle Stop Inn, in NY Mills, MN for a night's stay.  The website indicated that the inn followed a railroad theme, but I figured it was just some railroad enthusiasts.  Anyway, I hit NY Mills, a cute little town in northwest Minnesota around 7:30, after a long and wet day of riding.  I cruised around a bit until I saw a makeshift sign for "bed & breakfast".  At the end of the street I found it, A beautiful white victorian with two restored railcars in the backyard.  The owner, a tall German woman named Jann welcomed me with the good news that she was able to upgrade me to a "suite" which had a taller bed.  The room was great, if a bit over decorated like many B& Bs.  Jann advised me that at this time of "night" (7:30), dinner options were limited: the Eagle Cafe and the bowling alley.  Jann favored the bowling alley, I went to the Eagles Cafe and was rewarded with one of the worst meals I ever had.  Enough said.
The B&B was great however, and Jann even offered to serve me breakfast at 6:30 so I could get an early start.   Which I did, heading west on Route 10 towards Fargo, ND and I-94.

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