A bit of foreshadow: I am sitting in the Sugar Shack Baking Co, in Seattle as I write this post. It is 8:00 AM and I am enjoying a breakfast sandwich on 'savory" biscuit and a latte while I await my second tire replacement of the trip. But more on that later.
Route 93 north of Missoula is a mess. It seems they are rebuilding it (no sign of "stimulus $" signs) complete with huge culverts every 1/4 mile or so to enable wildlife to cross the road without walking in front of some logging truck. Now a bit dubious about our B&B choice, we pick our way through the construction maze in the gathering dusk. Then, at mile 16, just as Bob, our host predicted is the side road he told us about. We are to head up the road about 3 miles, but the mountains look closer and the shacks and mobile homes on the road don't give us much hope. Finally, again just as predicted, we find the house #, a five digit affair, with a gravel drive leading up to a modest house. We are greeted by Francis, who announces that this is his in-laws' place and goes to find Mom in Law Judy. We get settled in our little "guest wing" next to the garage and Judy heads off to find us some wine. Mike has fairly eclectic wine requirements due to some allergies, but Judy says "no problem", and unbeknown to us, drives off to a neighbor to get a bottle for Mike.
Over the course of our one night's stay we meet the rest of the family, enjoy our wine, watch a summer thunderstorm move up the valley from our panoramic perch, enjoy a beautiful breakfast with Bob and Judy (with real maple syrup on the waffles), and take a little stroll around the neighborhood before breakfast. All in all, it represents everything that is good and magical about random travel. The next day we head back through the construction to Twin State BMW and a new Metzeler V6 tire for the rear wheel. They are great people, inviting us in the shop, and giving Mike a lesson in chain maintenance.
Bob has suggested an alternate route up to Glacier Park, and by 11:00 AM we are off.
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